Throughout the country and Colorado aquatic weed control and proper lake management services are increasing every year. With rising temperatures, and the prolonged sunlight of Colorado, aquatic weed control needs are erupting in areas that haven’t had much concern in the past. This means that not only are properties in the rockies and elsewhere experiencing excessive plant and algae growth, but also new species and the ecological and environmental effects that this brings. Proper identification of the aquatic plant impacting the use of your pond or lake is essential to determining the best control method. Our holistic approach to pond management services and commitment to only sending biologists and engineers to work sites means rapid and accurate ecosystem assessments, superior results and plans that are based on science, biology, and the unique variables that your pond and its surrounding geology brings.


Excessive plants and algae growth can prove not only be unsightly, but can hinder recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, boating and diving. However, moderate quantities of aquatic vegetation are an integral part of a balanced aquatic ecosystem. A healthy pond or lake should have up to 30% plant coverage in order to provide habitat, forage for invertebrates, and reproduction areas for resident fish. Depending on the use of the water, different aquatic vegetation species can be a powerful draw for waterfowl and other wildlife. When vegetation begins to interfere with recreation or covers more than 50% of the basin, a proactive management plan will need to be implemented. We offer a range of management plans for our aquatic vegetation. 

Although we do work globally and nationally, our ongoing services in aquatic weed control is Colorado focused with exceptions in surrounding states. 

Biological Vegetation Management

Biological methods of aquatic vegetation management can be very effective while reducing reliance on chemicals and offering longer term treatment options. These techniques employ naturally occurring organisms to control either the nuisance plants or the nutrients at the origin of the plant growth. The most commonly used biological control methods are White Amur (grass carp) and types of probiotic bacteria.



  • Ecologically friendly
  • Removal of nutrients and conversion into animal biomass
  • Reduced sludge accumulation
  • Long term management (regrowth continuously controlled)
  • Gradual control reducing impacts to the fishery
  • Long term costs are typically low
  • Suppression rather than elimination – mimicking natural environments


  • Gradual control rather than instantaneous results

  • Initial cost can be high

  • Most successful with integrated pest management

  • Must be properly implemented to avoid ecosystem damage

Chemical Vegetation Management

Chemicals are often used to yield immediate results and are considered safe when properly applied by a licensed professional. Conventional herbicides and pesticides, when used in conjunction with non-conventional chemical methods such as aquatic shading products, may also reduce the treatment frequency. Chemical applications often require permits and “for hire” applications require special licensing from the designated state agency.



  • Immediate results
  • Targets specific locations
  • May be able to target specific pest species
  • Can be less costly upfront
  • Ecologically friendly
  • Removal of nutrients and conversion into animal biomass


  • May have adverse impacts to the ecosystem and environment
  • Regrowth of target weeds and algae expected
  • Non-target species can be harmed
  • Water restrictions may be necessary
  • Timing of application will vary results
  • Oxygen depletion
  • Increased sludge accumulation
  • Weather dependent
  • Safety concerns
  • Disposal of containers

Contact our licensed chemical applicator to see if this would be an effective tool for your aquatic resource.

Mechanical Vegetation Management

Mechanical, physical, or manual removal of plants can be an effective way to remove aquatic vegetation from a pond or lake and reduces reliance on chemical efforts. This management technique often involves cutting or uprooting the nuisance weeds and collecting and removing them from the pond or lake. Mechanical interventions can include dredging and removing the nutrient rich soils contributing to plant growth. Depending on the type and density of the infestation, removal can be completed using minimal equipment such as a rake and physical labor while others may require large machinery.


  • Elimination of existing plant material
  • Reduced sludge
  • Removal of nutrients
  • Ecologically friendly
  • Targeted treatment area
  • Immediate results


  • Can be labor intensive
  • Can be expensive
  • Disposal required
  • Rapid regrowth
  • Infestations of new areas due to fragmentation
  • Need to be coupled with additional types of treatment or the benefits are short lived

We provide aquatic weed control throughout Colorado from the plains to the high Rockies, and specialize in long-term, cost effective, and science based solutions. Our site visits and treatments are always done by biologists or engineers.

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