Available Fish Species
- Rainbow Trout
- Brown Trout
- Brook Trout
- Cuttbow Trout (Rainbow-Cutthroat Hybrid)
- Snake River Cutthroat Trout
- Fathead Minnows
- Yellow Perch
- Black Crappie
- Bluegill
- Wiper
- Walleye
- Largemouth Bass
- Smallmouth Bass
- Channel Catfish
- Diploid Grass Carp
- Triploid Grass Carp (Sterile)
What do you envision for your fishery?
Trophy Recreational Fishery
A trophy fishery can be a reality with a little attention to water quality, habitat, and balanced fish stocking. Trout, bass, bluegill, catfish and many other game species can provide excellent recreational fishing opportunities in ponds, lakes, and rivers. Contact the team at Aqua Sierra today to share your vision for your fishing water and to start bringing that vision to life!
Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystem
To establish a reproducing, balanced forage base it is important to know “who is home”; types and densities of invertebrates as well as the age classes, weights, and densities of each fish species in the resource. After the food chain has been bolstered and balanced, you can sit back and watch your fish grow! To learn more about assessing the health and sustainability of your fishery look at having a Fisheries Survey conducted on your water.
Vegetation Control
To maximize the effectiveness of grass carp it is important to correctly identify which plants you are trying to manage. Activity in and around a resource, location, and the plant and algae species to be controlled all factor into how many carp should be stocked for optimal control. Contact one of the biologists at Aqua Sierra today to see if grass carp might be an effective, appropriate management tool for your aquatic resource.
Mosquito and Midge Control
Additionally, when stocked in appropriate numbers, fathead minnows can be a sustainable, quality food source and a vital piece in the creation of a trophy fishery. Contact the team at Aqua Sierra today to see which species would work best in your water.
Use the Fish Stocking Inquiry Form below to connect with one of our biologists and to see which species and what stocking rates would be best for your water.
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